PhD position: Systematics and evolution of keystone pollinators in South Africa’s biodiversity hotspots


Prosoeca ganglbaueri probing its 50 mm long tongue into the long nectar tube of Zaluzianskya microsiphon (Matatiele). Photo © Harro de Moor.

A PhD project is available which focuses on the evolution of long-tongued flies, a group of charismatic and keystone pollinators in the Southern African flora. The aim of the project is to increase understanding of systematics and evolution in the Southern African endemic genus Prosoeca (Nemestrinidae), as a means to gain insight into the processes that may drive co-diversification and coevolution between plants and pollinators, ultimately giving rise to the tremendous biodiversity of the region.

The scope of the project includes diversity at two geographical and taxonomic scales: diversity within Prosoeca peringueyi in the Succulent Karoo biodiversity hotspot, and the genus Prosoeca across southern Africa.

We are looking for an enthusiastic student with a strong interest in evolutionary biology to execute this project. Experience with molecular and phylogenetic techniques is an advantage. The project is based at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Pietermaritzburg) under supervision of Dr Timo van der Niet (main supervisor) and Prof Steve Johnson (co-supervisor), but will be done in close collaboration with partners at Stellenbosch University (Prof Bruce Anderson, Prof Allan Ellis). Opportunities for fieldwork exist, especially with a focus on collecting Prosoeca flies in previously under-collected areas.

We offer a student bursary for three years at the value of 100,000 ZAR per annum and all running expenses are covered. The pollination laboratory of UKZN is well-equipped, including facilities for molecular systematics and a fleet of vehicles for fieldwork. Furthermore, the Natal Museum in Pietermaritzburg harbors one of the world’s most important collections of Nemestrinidae.

For more information contact Dr Timo van der Niet (, or send your application for this position to this email address before 15 July. Include your CV with contact details of two referees, and a cover letter in which you explain why you are interested in this position.

Further information (pdf)